Paul K. Feyerabend: A Centennial Celebration
The 12th Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference (VMST-12)
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology (CVMST)
University of Texas at Dallas
May 23-24, 2024 (live) and May 26-27, 2024 (online)
Green Hall (GR 3.302), UT Dallas
Program (PDF)
Day 1: Thursday, May 23, 2024 (GR 3.302)
9:00-9:30am: Snacks, Coffee, and Opening Remarks from the Director of the Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology
9:30-11:55am: Contributed Papers
[9:30] Jonathan Y. Tsou (University of Texas at Dallas): “On the Curious Relationship between Against Method and Science in a Free Society”
[10:20] Gregorio Barahona Ocampo (University of Utah): “Climate, History and the Politics of Knowledge: Feyerabend and the Science of Anthropogenic Climate Change”
[11:10] Usman Mehboob (Government Zamindar College, Gujrat): “Paul Karl Feyerabend and Contemporary Islamic Education”
12:00-1:15pm: Lunch (provided)
1:20-2:05pm: Contributed Paper
[1:20] Adam Woodcox (Nipissing University): “Feyerabend and Early Greek Philosophy”
2:10-3:20pm: Keynote Speaker
[2:10] Jordi Cat (Indiana University): “Reality, Plurality and Action: Themes and Views from Vienna, California and Zurich in Feyerabend’s Final Years”
3:20-3:30pm: Coffee Break
3:30-4:40pm: Keynote Speaker
[3:30] Matteo Collodel (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia): How The Book was Born and Where it ‘Left’ Us: On the Making and Reception of Against Method
Day 2: Friday, May 24, 2024 (GR 3.302)
9:00-9:30am: Snacks, Coffee, and Opening Remarks from the Director
9:30-11:55am: Contributed Papers
[9:30] Matthew J. Brown (Southern Illinois University): “Two Types of Anarchism in Against Method”
[10:20] Marco J. Nathan (University of Denver): “Anything Goes (’Till You Drop): Feyerabend’s Legacy in the Quest for Method”
[11:10] Finney Premkumar (University of Birmingham): “Appreciating Feyerabend: Epistemic Pluralism and the Problem of Scientific Realism”
12:00-1:15pm: Lunch (provided)
1:20-2:05pm: Contributed Paper
[1:20] Robert Hudson (University of Saskatchewan): “Feyerabend on Observation”
2:05-2:15pm: Coffee Break
2:15-3:25pm: Keynote Speaker
[2:15] Babette Babich (Fordham University): “Feyerabend, Medical Anthropology, and Philosophy of Medicine/Philosophy of Science: Notes on Paul Feyerabend and on Witchcraft and Ivan Illich on Black Magic”
Day 3: Sunday, May 26, 2024 (online)
Times are in Central Standard Time (USA)
9:30-11:00am: Contributed Papers
[9:30] Jamie Shaw (Leibniz Universität Hannover): “Feyerabend’s Asymmetry Argument for Anarchism”
[10:15] Eric Oberheim (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Feyerabend on Medicine and the Limited Validity of Falsificationism”
11:00-11:15am: Break
11:15-12:45pm: Contributed Papers
[11:15] Lucas Ballestín (The New School): “In Fact or In Deed? The Puzzle of Purposeful Constatives”
[12:00] Reinhard Kahle (Universität Tübingen): “Against the Diktat of Method”
Day 4: Monday, May 27, 2024 (online)
Times are in Central Standard Time (USA)
9:30-11:00am: Contributed Papers
[9:30] Alberto Bardi (Tsinghua University): “Claudius Ptolemy: A Scientific Anarchist? Feyerabendian Themes in the History of Astronomy”
[10:15] Juliet Paiva (University of Oxford):“Truth and Pluralism in Political Theory: From Epistemic Abstinence to Epistemological Anarchism”
11:00-11:15am: Break
11:15-12:45pm: Contributed Papers
[11:15] Ian James Kidd (University of Nottingham): “Contingency, Pluralism, and Humility in Against Method”
[12:00] Federico Ricalde (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): “About the Ontological Status of Values: A Response from Feyerabend’s Late Philosophy”
Program Committee