The 8th Annual
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas, USA
May 17-20, 2018
This interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore the interplay between human, ethical, cultural, and political values, on the one hand, and science, technology, engineering, and medical research and practice, on the other hand. We invite presentations that seek not only to understand how values and science have and do influence one another, but also how they must and should influence one another (as well as types of influence that should be avoided). Finally, we are ultimately interested in promoting ethically responsible and socially beneficial scientific research and technological innovation, and critical reflection about the influence of science, technology, and medicine on our values, culture, practices, and worldview.
Two pre-conference workshops will take place prior to the Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference:
Conference attendees are encouraged to attend and participate in these workshops. Submissions to the workshops and the conference will be considered separately.
All conference locations will be wheelchair accessible. Further accessibility information is TBD, depending on available campus facilities. Feedback is welcome at <>, or you may email the conference ombuds at <>.
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology is part of the School of Arts & Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Center’s mission is to understand, evaluate, and improve the ethical and cultural influences on and implications of science and technology. The VMST Conference is allied with the Consortium on Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE).