Paul K. Feyerabend: A Centennial Celebration
The 12th Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference (VMST-12)
The Paul Feyerabend Centennial Celebration conference was hosted by the Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology (CVMST) in May 2024 at the University of Texas at Dallas. This four day conference attracted an international group of scholars and featured live presentations (held at UT Dallas) and online presentations. Photos from the conference are below. Videos of the conference are here.
Days 1-2 (May 23-24, 2024):
Jonathan Tsou (University of Texas at Dallas) on the relationship between Against Method and Science in a Free Society.
Gregorio Barahona Ocampo (University of Utah) on Feyerabend and the anthropocene.
Adam Woodcox (Nipissing University) on Feyerabend and early Greek philosophy.
Keynote speaker: Matteo Collodel (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on the making and reception of Against Method.
Keynote speaker: Jodi Cat (Indiana University) on themes and views from Vienna, California, and Zurich in Feyerabend’s final years.
Matthew Brown (Southern Illinois University) on two types of anarchism in Against Method.
Marco Nathan (University of Denver) on Feyerabend’s legacy in philosophy of science.
Robert Hudson (University of Saskatchewan) on Feyerabend’s pragmatic theory of observation.
Keynote speaker: Babette Babich (Fordham University) on Feyerabend, Witchcraft, Ivan Ilich, and medicine
Days 3-4 (May 26-27, 2024)
Jamie Shaw (Leibniz University Hannover/ University of Toronto) on Feyerabend’s asymmetry argument for anarchism
Eric Oberheim (Humbolt University of Berlin) on the limits of falsification and medicine.
Lucas Ballestin (The New School) on J. L. Austin, Feyerabend, and purposeful constantives.
Reinhard Kahle (University of Tübingen) on the various title translations of Against Method.
Alberto Bardi (Tsinghua University) on Ptolemy as an anarchist.
Juliet Paiva (University of Oxford) on pluralism/ anarchism in political theory.
Ian Kidd (University of Nottingham) on contingency and humility in Against Method.
Federico Ricalde (National Autonomous University of Mexico) on the ontological status of values in Feyerabend’s late philosophy.
Matt Brown and Jon Tsou watch online presentations from the Center for Values at UT Dallas.