Between April 2 and 23, Center for Values hosted a Virtual Lecture Series featuring Dr. Kareem Khalifa (Middlebury College), Dr. Keisha S. Ray (McGovern Medical School, UTH), and Dr. Anthony Ryan Hatch (Wesleyan University). Khalifa presented a talk, co-authored with Marina DiMarco (University of Pittsburgh), on the role of values and norms governing decisions on pursuing (or not) certain kinds of scientific questions. The lectures given by Keisha Ray and Anthony Hatch focused on racial disparities in the access to health care and health outcomes. While Ray’s presentation focused around structural (access) and environmental factors that impact Black people’s health outcomes, Hatch centered his talk around the question of the production and circulation of COVID-19 racial data and whether it strengthened anti-Black racism in the United States or not.
Kareem Khaflia, Sins of Inquiry: How to Criticize Scientific Pursuits
Anthony Ryan Hatch, The Data Will Not Save Us: Afropessimism in the COVID-19 Archives (COMING SOON).