and the 6th Annual
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas, USA
May 19-22, 2016
Co-sponsored by
The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science
The School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
This conference aims to promote ethically responsible and socially beneficial scientific research and technological innovation, primarily through critical and philosophical engagement with science, engineering, and medicine and through reflection on their role in society, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The conference goal is also to improve the capacity of philosophers of all specializations to collaborate and engage with scientists, engineers, policymakers, and a wide range of publics, as well as to promote philosophic reflection by these latter groups, and also by historians, humanists, and social scientists about the role of science in society.
We seek proposals for presentations, panels, and discussions for our annual meeting of philosophical work that furthers these aims. We are especially interested in work done in collaboration with scientists, engineers, policymakers, or wider publics; works that foster ethical, philosophical, and social reflection by scientists, engineers, medical researchers and professionals; engagements with these issues from across the arts, humanities, and human and social sciences; and work that reflects on how to collaborate more effectively across these groups and overcome institutional and conceptual barriers to collaboration.
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology is part of the School of Arts & Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Center’s mission is to understand, evaluate, and improve the ethical and cultural influences on and implications of science and technology. The Consortium for Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering supports, advances, and conducts philosophical work that is related to science and engineering and that contributes to public welfare and collective wellbeing.
All conference locations will be wheelchair accessible. Further accessibility information is TBD, depending on available facilities. Feedback is welcome at