If you are interested in registering for our pre-conference workshop on Tuesday, May 21st, the last day to register will be today, May 17th, by the close of business. Please get your information and payment in as soon as possible. You don’t want to miss out on our workshop on “Ethics Codes” where the goal of this workshop is to bring together a relatively small group of scholars who are engaged in or are interested in engaging in research relating to the use of ethics codes in science, technology, and medicine, in order to incubate new individual and collaborative research projects. (Projects that aren’t pure research but involving education or advocacy are certainly on the table as well.)
Additionally, if you still haven’t registered or finished payment for the conference itself, May 22-24, Monday, May 20th is the last day to do so, again, by the end of business. This is incredibly important! If you have not registered by then, we will not have sufficient resources for you to have the best experience possible at this conference!
We don’t want anyone to miss out on these fantastic opportunities, so please register for the appropriate conference or workshop as soon as possible!
If you have any questions, as always, you may contact us with any questions.